PYROCRYSTAL S.r.l.  was founded in the early Sixties and is particularly affirmed on Italian and international market in the field of PRIMARY WATER TREATMENT for technical solution and high quality manufacturing.
PYROCRYSTAL S.r.l. offers process design, engineering and installation on a turnkey basis of complete plants of DEMINERALIZATION, SOFTENING, CHEMICAL DOSING, QUARTZ/ACTIVE CARBONS FILTERING, REVERSE OSMOSIS, essentially for the industrial sector with particular attention, since many years, to the COGENERATION PROCESS, obliged target for the early future.
For reliability and superior quality of our plants, we have been included in the Vendor Lists of several top engineering Companies.
Technical assistance is an integrant part of our commitment and it is carried out by high specialized and pluri-decennial experienced staff. 
Uffici e stabilimento: Via Tirso,16 - Fraz. Sesto Ulteriano - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese (MI)
CAP. SOC. € 101.920,00 I.V. - C.C.I.A.A. MILANO 679446 - ISCR. TRIB. MILANO 125037/3199/37
Cod. Fisc. e P. IVA: 00777450156